Thursday 24 November 2011

Getting Crafty

Last night I quickly  make a few more decoupage crafts. I'm even taking the day off work tomorrow to make more crafts in time for next week's craft market.

I've decided to keep the small cross to hang in my hallway...

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Countdown to Market Day...

So our Market Day at work is on 2 December...yeek! Only a few days left to get everything in order...
I've just discovered Decoupage, and I love it! So I've taken wooden and plaster of paris craft that I made last year, and I spiced-up their look with lovely floral decoupage. The upside is, whatever I dont sell at the Market I use for gifts espacially now that Christmas is only a month away! Wow, cannot believe it's already that time of the year. By the way, love the cheerful festive feeling ;-)

Also busy with some fabric hearts...